Hunter related post.
Check the picture to see the optimal spec for ferocity pets. They are and were in the past the best type of pets for beastmaster spec in both PVP and PVE.
Some beastmasters are even using silithids in PVP, however the dmg is somehow lower than when using a ferocity pet.
The default spec in 4.0.6
– Dash and Charge needs to be assigned as you want your pet to have a very good mobility, these two abilities are boosting the pet’s speed and you won’t have to worry about them as they will auto activate and not both at the same time. Leave them on autocast and forget about them.
– You can either choose between having Hearth of the Phoenix ability (will instant rez your pet) or assign all the three points into Culling the Herd (3% dmg when the pet is criting).
Currently the pets are bugged and sometimes when you dismount they can be oneshoted by an aoe or a smart pvper. Rather have it and lose the 2% dmg.
– 2 point in Wild Hunt without a doubt. The rest of the spec is just to maximize the pet’s damage.
Every beastmaster pvper is using this spec.
For PVE, just replace the Heart of the Phoenix with two more points into Culling the Herd as your pet will be alive almost all of the time.