How exactly to become a mage in Risen 1?
In order to become a mage, you need to join the monastery.
It’s very easy to join this faction, you need to let your character to be captured by the inquisition followers.
These followers are near the gates of the harbour town and near some ruins that your character might find along the map.
Anyway, it’s really easy to pop into the inquisitor npcs and get captured.
At the monastery, you need to finish all the tests given by the masters.
All the tests are pretty easy, the monastery has a very nice questline.
The only problem is that a master is down below the library and is really hard to find
His name is master Abrax, he is part of the main questline that will allow you to become a mage.
After you finish all the tests (quests), you will become a mage, they will give your character a robe, a decent staff and you will be able to use spells.
Chapter 2 starts once you have become a mage (been accepted into the mage order).
Playing as a mage in Risen 1 is very easy, one of the easiest way to finish the game.
You can stay in range and cast spells, most of the enemies will not even hit you.
You can play all the game as a fire mage.