The best hunter PVP talents and glyphs for Mists of Pandaria

The best hunter PVP talents and glyphs for Mists of Pandaria

I’ve been PVP-ing on my hunter since Mists of Pandaria has started. And I’ve found the best talents/glyphs for duels and battlegrounds.

Spec: Beastmaster.

Best talents

– Posthaste. Gives high mobility. You can remove impairing effects when you use Disengage and have Posthaste (roots, frost novas etc).

– Silencing Shot. It is obviously the best choice.

– Exhilaration. You can sometimes save your pet with this ability. It is another great ability for “mobility” playstyle, meaning that you can engage into fights without having to stop to eat food/regain health.

– Dire Beast. Because the other two talents are useless. You won’t lack focus, so “Thrill of the Hunt” is quite useless. Dire Beast does some damage, looks cool and you recover focus when the summoned pet is hitting the target.

– A Murder of Crows. Some will say that this ability is bad for PVP because it is a DOT, not a burst ability. However, you save yourself from having to push often one more button (Blink Strike). Also, in 1v1, when you cast Stampede, A Murder of Crows, Dire Beast, Bestial Wrath, Intimidation etc, you pull the most damage available. With Blink Strike or without, it is better to have a powerful DOT in case that your target won’t die in 3-4 seconds. Not to say that it is very annoying for the enemy.

– Barrage. It helps to finish targets, doing sustained damage. The animation looks fun, you can run while using it. Powershot is also fun but it doesn’t work most of the time, plus, it requires a more stealth playstyle. It won’t help you too much in 1v1 fights.

Best Glyphs.

– Camouflage. Great for bgs. You can ambush, escape etc. It is very fun. I can’t PVP without this one.

– Disengage. Great for both escaping and reaching targets.

– Mirrored Blades. Great vs casters. There are no other good glyphs except Marked for Death and I think Mirrored Blades is worth more than 5% more dmg from ranged attacks.

I can basically one-shot any class by pulling Stampede, A Murder of Crows, Dire Beast, Bestial Wrath, Intimidation, Rapid Fire, dmg trinket.

If you have any questions, leave in the comments.

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