Blue themed hunter transmog gear set in World of Warcraft

Blue themed hunter transmog gear set in World of Warcraft

This is the one of the blue hunter transmog gear sets that I have collected in WoW, a long time ago.

This is the list with all the items that you see in the picture:

Head: Surestrike Goggles v2.0 (requires the engineering profession).

The Wavemender’s Mantle.

Tabard: Tabard of the Ebon Blade.
Easy to get from Wrath of the Lich King faction.

Gloves: Gloves of Quickening.

Belt: Vindicator’s Chain Girdle.
Best looking belt in the game in my opinion for hunters.
It works with any transmog set.

Pants: Avenging Combat Leggings.

Boots: Boots of Persistence.

Weapon: Vengeful Gladiator’s Longbow or Rifle of the Platinum Guard if you want to go for a more “cyberpunk” look.

Overall, this blue hunter transmog gear is one of those sets that makes your hunter look like a shaman hybrid.

Other players might even get confused what class you are playing since most of the gear is used mainly by shamans.

But since hunters and shamans share the “Mail” armor, both can equip the same gear.

Hopefully this set gave you some good ideas.

We have other sets on the website, white, red, yellow, blade master, Auron from Final Fantasy X, etc.

I’ve collected quite a bit back in the day.

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