I’ve managed to gather some transmog gear that makes my hunter to look like Cloud from Final Fantasy VII.
Head: Surestrike Goggles v2.0. (from engineering).
Shoulders: Stormscale Shoulders. (from AH, really common item).
Chest: Renegade Chestguard. (from AH, like the rest of the “renegade” gear).
Gloves: Spiritwalker Gauntlets (these don’t match, but they were the best I had).
Belt: Renegade Belt.
Legs: Renegade Leggings.
Boots: Renegade Boots.
Tabard: Tabard of the Ebon Blade.
Weapon: Vengeful Gladiator’s Longbow.
Mount: Mekgineer’s Chopper.