Dark blue themed druid transmog in World of Warcraft

Dark blue themed druid transmog in World of Warcraft

Here is an interesting blue druid transmog set.

Helmet: Cursed Vision of Sargeras.
This helmet is from Black Temple, very easy to solo this raid at this point, also drops quite a lot from the last boss, Illidan.

Shoulders: Mantle of the Unforgiven.
From Mana-Tombs.
I think that this is a Burning Crusade dungeon.

Chest: Chestguard of No Remorse.
From Steamvault.
The same, a TBC dungeon.

Gloves: Gloves of the Unbound.
From The Alcatraz.

Belt: Liar’s Cord.
Slave Pens.

Pants: Leggings of the Unrepentant.
The Blood Furnace.

Boots: Boots of the Unjust.
Auchenai Crypts.

Tabard: none.
There is no need to use a tabard for this set as it looks great without one.

Weapon: Sonic Spear.
Shadow Labyrinth, The burning Crusade dungeon.

As we can see, wll the gear drops from Burning Crusade dungeons.

Except the helmet which drops from Black Temple, a raid that is easily solo at level 90.

Also, if you don’t like the demon hunter headband you can use Cowl of the Guiltless.

Hopefully, this black, dark, blue Druid transmog set gave you some ideas about how to make your character look.

If you have other ideas or gear sets, please leave in the comments section.

Good luck farming the gear!

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