Even tough the Black Ice polearm might be the most wanted weapon by hunters, it looks pretty odd and different than any hunter gear and it won’t fit with every gear theme.
Here is another polearm that looks amazing. Blackhand Doomsaw. An weapon that reminds of the Warcraft 3 horde hero, the blademaster.
A short polearm that looks more like a sword. It has some sort of Asian theme.
How to get this polearm? The hard way is to farm Blackrock Spire, a level 60 dungeon. The issue is that this polearm has just 8% drop rate and is pretty hard to get.
To get to the boss that is dropping it, around 5-8 minutes are required. Can also be farmed since Blackrock Spire doesn’t have a heroic mode.
The easy way to get this polearm is to do some quests in Nagrand, Outland. This is the starting quest, it has a 5 quests chain. The final reward has three options, a polearm with the same look as Blackhhand Doomsaw. The first chain quest starts here: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=9917. If you already done the quests and deleted the polearm, farm the Blackrock Spire one.
Also in the image here, other gear. Head item that looks like the old warrior helmets, named Steelspine Faceguard, drops from Karazhan. It is mail so hunters can use it.
Shoulders, named Pauldrons of Wild Magic and is displaying wolves heads on the edges, also having a thunder effect once in a while.
Legs, gloves and boots are Tier 1 from Molten Core.
A new bow that should be farmed. On wowhead is saying that it has the same looks as the Legendary one from Tempest Keep. This bow is named “Melmorta’s Twilight Longbow”, drops from Opening of the Dark Portal (heroic mode), a 5 minutes run. (first boss).