Hunter Marksman spec macros for patch 6.0, Warlords of Draenor

Hunter Marksman spec macros for patch 6.0, Warlords of Draenor

Here is a list with all the necessary macros (Marksman spec, can be applied to BM and Survival as well).

Chimera Shot. – stop casting is required.
/cast Chimaera Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();

Trap Launcher. – will not reset the Trap Launcher if the spell if up.
/castsequence reset=3 !Trap Launcher

Kill Shot.
/cast Kill Shot

Steady Shot + ground mount.
#showtooltip Steady Shot
/cast Steady Shot
/castrandom Vicious Warsaber
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();

Even more macros

Aimed Shot + flying mount. – castrandom will cast any of the two mounts, randomly. Pet attack will just send your pet to attack. Aimed shot should be your second attack as Marksman so it’s a good idea to also send the pet when casting your second attack.
#showtooltip Aimed Shot
/castrandom [nocombat, nomounted] Ashen Pandaren Phoenix; Ashes of Al’ar
/cast Aimed Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();

Aspect of the Cheetah. – will not cancel the aspect if you press the button when Cheetah is up.
/castsequence reset=3 !Aspect of the Cheetah

Counter Shot. – stopcasting is also required here.
#showtooltip Counter Shot
/cast Counter Shot

Roar of Sacrifice + Bullhead (required).
/cast Bullheaded
/cast [target=yourname] roar of sacrifice

Call your first pet.
/cast [nopet,nomod] Call Pet 1

Pet attack.

Call the pet back (put it on passive).

If you have other macros or questions, leave in the comments.

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