A list with marksman hunter PVP Macros

A list with marksman hunter PVP Macros

Having the best macros can make the difference in any kind of PVP, Arena, Battlegrounds or duels.

Macros can free buttons (less buttons to press) as two or more abilities can be used within a macro and cast together at the same time.
Other important macros, the focus ones, will allow the hunter to silence shot (or use other ability) a healer in arena without losing the target he is nuking.
Here is a complete list of Hunter macros for all three specs, Marksman, BeastMaster and Survival. Random order.

#showtooltip Scatter Shot
/cast [target=mouseover,nodead,help]Scatter Shot
/castsequence reset=3 Trap Launcher

/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the Hawk, null
/cast Aimed Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();

/cast !Aspect of the Fox
/cast [nopet,nomod] Call Pet 1
/cast [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();

/cast !Aspect of the Hawk
/cast [nopet,nomod] Call Pet 1

/cast [@focus,exists][@target] Bad Manner

/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast Intimidation
/use Ruthless Gladiator’s Badge of Conquest
/cast Rabid
/cast Call of the Wild

/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the Hawk, null
/cast Chimera Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();

/cast Deterrence
/use Druid and Priest Statue Set
/use Druid and Priest Statue Set
/use Druid and Priest Statue Set
/use Vrykul Drinking Horn
/use Battle Standard of Coordination
/use Alliance Battle Standard

/cast Disengage
/use Ruthless Gladiator’s Cape of Cruelty
/use Celebration Package

/cast Feign Death
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();

/cast Focus Fire
/cast Rapid Fire
/cast Rapid Fire
/cast Rapid Fire
/use Ruthless Gladiator’s Chain Gauntlets
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();

More Macros

/cast Freezing Trap
/cast [target=pettarget] Grow

/cast Last Stand
/cast [target=mouseover,nodead,help] Intervene
/cast [target=player] Intervene

#showtooltip Kil* Command
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the Hawk, null
/cast Kil* Command
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the Hawk, null
/cast Kil* Shot

/cast [mod:alt,target=focus,nodead,help] Master’s Call
/cast [target=mouseover,nodead,help] Master’s Call
/cast [target=player] Master’s Call



/cast Mend Pet
/cast Cower
/cast Bullheaded
/cast Last Stand
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();

/cast Clench

/cast Rapid Fire
/cast Roar of Recovery
/use Ruthless Gladiator’s Badge of Conquest

#showtooltip Raptor Strike
/cast Raptor Strike

/cast [target=myname] roar of sacrifice

#showtooltip Scatter Shot
/cast [@focus,exists][@target] Scatter Shot
/castsequence reset=3 Trap Launcher

/cast Silencing Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();

/target myname
/cast Spirit Mend

/cast Tranquilizing Shot

/cast Wyvern Sting
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();

#showtooltip Silencing Shot
/cast [@focus,exists][@target] Silencing Shot

#showtooltip Arcane Shot
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the Hawk, null
/cast Arcane Shot

/cast !Aspect of the Cheetah

#showtooltip Cobra Shot
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the Fox, null
/cast Cobra Shot

/cast Flare
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();

#showtooltip Steady Shot
/castsequence reset=1 !Aspect of the Fox, null
/cast Steady Shot

There are too many to explain what they do or sort them. Use the Control+F from the browser to search fast for a certain macro.

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