How to set up the “Mend Pet” with the “Power Aura” addon in World of Warcraft

How to set up the “Mend Pet” with the “Power Aura” addon in World of Warcraft

For soloing stuff, for example: Grull’s Lair or Magtheridon’s Lair that rewards 500 gold, 1k gold both, you will need this power aura that will help you see the mend pet buff duration.

Mend Pet lasts 10 seconds, you will get a visual + sound warning when Mend Pet has expired.

Install the Power Aura addon and import these settings

Version:4.13; b:0.1804; anim1:4; g:0.749; icon:Ability_Hunter_MendPet; buffname:Mend Pet; begin:1; x:-8; groupany:false; unitn:Only for raid/group.; focus:true; texture:21; mine:true; sound:1; stacksOperator:=; combat:true; size:0.76; y:-241; timer.enabled:true; timer.Relative:CENTER

A shield will appear if your pet is on “Focus”, also if you are in combat.

Except from this, you can use the Mend Pet glyph that will really increase the healing for your pet by 60% making your pet to receive around 8k heal / tick.
A Mend Pet cast will do 5 ticks in 10 seconds.

The best pet for soloing in Cataclysm?

Probably a core hound because of the burst, however any ferocity pet will do the work. In extreme conditions, turtle, when the dmg is not so important.

The tanking pet spec

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