Metal Gear Rising Revengeance graphics tweaks for better performance

Metal Gear Rising Revengeance graphics tweaks for better performance

Resolution: set the default resolution of your monitor.

Window Mode: fullscreen.

Antialiasing: off. This is the biggest resource demanders, it will slow your PC a lot if you enable it.

Texture Filter: Anisotropic 16X.

Blur: on. This game looks better with blur.

Shadow: high.

Zangeki: high.

Zantime: high.

Metal Gear Rising Revengeance is perfectly optimized and can run on most PCs. Set the options as above and increase “Antialiasing” little by little until you are comfortable with the framerate.

The game runs flawless on my PC (more than 40 FPS), Intel I3 3GHz, 8 gigabytes RAM, ATI Radeon HD 5670 (1 GB RAM), with Antialiasing set to off and everything else on high.

Another combination is to set “Antialiasing” to MSAA x2 and Blur to off but the game looks better with Antialiasing to off and Blur to on.

How is the game working out for you?

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