The Final List Of Power Auras Configs For Marksman Hunters, Ready To Use Abilities.
The abilities will be displayed under the character for a better view, no more need to look at the bottom bar.
Version:4.21; icon:Ability_Hunter_Readiness; buffname:Readiness; x:-202; bufftype:7; owntex:true; combat:true; size:0.16; y:-144; texmode:2
Chimera Shot
Version:4.21; icon:Ability_Hunter_ChimeraShot2; buffname:Chimera Shot; x:-170; bufftype:7; owntex:true; combat:true; size:0.16; y:-95; texmode:2
Silencing Shot
Version:4.21; icon:Ability_TheBlackArrow; buffname:Silencing Shot; x:-118; bufftype:7; owntex:true; combat:true; size:0.16; y:-95; texmode:2
Rapid Fire
Version:4.21; icon:Ability_Hunter_RunningShot; buffname:Rapid Fire; x:-64; bufftype:7; owntex:true; combat:true; size:0.16; y:-95; texmode:2
DPS Trinket
Version:4.21; icon:spell_holy_championsbond; buffname:Ruthless Gladiator’s Badge of Conquest; x:-9; bufftype:7; owntex:true; combat:true; size:0.16; y:-95; texmode:2
Glove enchant (for engineers only)
Version:4.21; icon:inv_glove_mail_pvphunter_c_01; buffname:Vicious Gladiator’s Chain Gauntlets; x:43; bufftype:7; owntex:true; combat:true; size:0.16; y:-95; texmode:2
Scatter Shot
Version:4.21; icon:Ability_GolemStormBolt; buffname:Scatter Shot; x:96; bufftype:7; owntex:true; combat:true; size:0.16; y:-95; texmode:2
Freezing Trap
Version:4.21; icon:Spell_Frost_ChainsOfIce; buffname:Freezing Trap; x:151; bufftype:7; owntex:true; combat:true; size:0.16; y:-95; texmode:2
All the abilities will be displayed only if you are in combat, they also can be displayed even if you are not in combat / from the configs.