Debuff examples for the Power Auras addon in World of Warcraft

Debuff examples for the Power Auras addon in World of Warcraft

Another great utility for the Power Auras addon is that it can display the debuffs on target / focus.

Here are a few examples of power auras debuffs for hunters (these debuffs can be modified very easy by changing only the name of the spell, for example change: freezing trap with polymorph.

Concussive Shot config:

Version:4.21; b:0.8784; g:0.8784; target:true; icon:Spell_Frost_Stun; buffname:Concussive Shot; r:0.8784; x:-147; isAlive:0; unitn:Only for raid/group.; bufftype:2; alpha:1; owntex:true; mine:true; inVehicle:0; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; PowerType:0; size:0.17; y:-184; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.h:1.4; timer.Texture:Digital; timer.enabled:true; timer.Relative:CENTER

Serpent Sting config:

Version:4.21; b:0.8784; g:0.8784; target:true; icon:Ability_Hunter_Quickshot; buffname:Serpent Sting; r:0.8784; x:-94; isAlive:0; unitn:Only for raid/group.; bufftype:2; alpha:1; owntex:true; mine:true; inVehicle:0; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; PowerType:0; size:0.17; y:-184; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.h:1.4; timer.Texture:Digital; timer.enabled:true; timer.Relative:CENTER

Freezing Trap config: (on focus)

Version:4.21; b:0.8784; g:0.8784; icon:Spell_Frost_ChainsOfIce; buffname:Freezing Trap; r:0.8784; x:-33; isAlive:0; unitn:Only for raid/group.; bufftype:2; focus:true; alpha:1; owntex:true; mine:true; inVehicle:0; stacksOperator:=; exact:true; PowerType:0; size:0.17; y:-184; texmode:2; ismounted:0; timer.h:1.4; timer.Texture:Digital; timer.enabled:true; timer.Relative:CENTER

All the 3 debuffs from here have timer, you can setup them very easy by writing in chat /powa and accessing “import” and copy / paste the codes.

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