Some developers and website owners have noticed that the “Slider Revolution” video plugin autoplay is not working in Chrome anymore.
The issue happens since the end of 2018, because Google Chrome no longer auto-plays videos.
“Revolution Slider” or “Revslider” is based on auto playing videos.
How to fix the Slider Revolution video autoplay Chrome issue?
There is an easy fix without having to update the plugin.
From the “Slider Revolution” settings (the bottom of the page), add this code in the Javascript section:
revapi1.bind("revolution.slide.onvideostop",function (e,data) {
var player =;;
From “Appearance” > “Customize” > “Additional CSS”, add this CSS code:
.rs-background-video-layer iframe {
opacity: 1 !important;
visibility: inherit !important;
From the “Slider Revolution” settings > your own made slider > “Slider Editor” > “Source Settings tab” > “Mute Video” – turn this option on.
Now the video will auto-play by default.
The only issue is that if you have videos with sound, the sound needs to be muted which should not be an issue because most users will find videos that auto-play with sound, pretty annoying.
Hopefully your issue is now solved, however, Chrome might change this behaviour in the future, so there is no guarantee.
Last thing, you might want to consider avoiding using the “Slider Revolution” plugin as it consumes quite a lot of resources and its security is not great.
If you have on your website just a simple video, rather embed it using plain html 5 than using this plugin which will consume much more resources than a simple code.