Here is everything you need to know about Tabard of Flame from Black market auction house, the correct gold price, how to transmog it.
The only tabard available in Black Market Auction House is “Tabard of Flame”.
This was in Mists of Pandaria, the expansion where Blizzard has introduced the Black market auction house.
After Mists of Pandaria, Blizzard added more TCG tabards to the Black Market auction house.
The red version looks the same as the other TCG tabards, the only difference is the color.
They all have the “skull” logo.
Tabard of Flame starts with a minimum bid of 15k gold.
On a low populated realm, probably nobody will bid, so you can get it for 15k.
I wouldn’t go over 30-40k but this depends on how much you want it.
The spawn rate is pretty low, I remember that I’ve checked BAH for 2 months and it wasn’t there.
Another thing, if you want the tabard for your red transmog gear, bad news.
It doesn’t really fit with a red-dark transmog gear (dark knight, dark hunter ranger etc).
This is because of the golden lines that are ruining the look.
But if you go with a red-yellow transmog gear or other bright color, it might fit.
In the screenshot, there is my hunter with red-dark transmog gear + Tabard of Flame.
You can leave in the comments area what are your thoughts regarding the Tabard of Flame from Black Market Auction House, what is the gold price on your realm.