Taming Kirix, the hunter pet spider in World of Warcraft

Taming Kirix, the hunter pet spider in World of Warcraft

In this article, you can find everything you need to know regarding Taming Kirix strategy, the WoW Catactlysm hunter pet.

There are 5 new spider models that can be tamed since 4.2, all looking the same, except the color.

There are yellow, green (venom), red, orange and purple skins.

These are not exotic pets, so no need to use the beastmaster spec.

You can find the yellow ones all over the Firelands Front (where the Firelands dailies are, from the portal), also there are some orange ones.

Kirix is the green spider. It spawns in this area:

WoW Kiris spider spawn area

Taming Kirix Strategy

Kirix has a lot of HP, 999k, it cannot be tamed using the old fashion hunter way.

If he will stay in your melee range, you will die from his green aoe that he generates.

Another ability of Kirix is that he will cast a paraliyze debuff on you, when you have 3-4 seconds left of taming and interrupt the taming.

He also applies a dot after that and your HP will drop to zero in a few seconds.

To tame him, you will need heroism or some haste potions.

You can either ask a shaman/mage, or tame a core hound to get heroism while casting “Tame beast”.

So summon the core hound, cast “heroism”, dismiss, use “tame beast”.

This is the perfect spot to stay when taming him, since that rock will keep Kirix in range and the only thing that you need to bother is the taming speed.

Also, if you want to camp the area, that rock is the perfect spot as it won’t shatter.

A final tip, if you have completed the Firelands dailies on the day you want to tame Kirix, even if you fell from the rocks when jumping from one to another, a druid npc will save you.

Otherwise, prepare for some huge repair bills until you master the jumping there.

Here is the place Kirix spawns, follow the north path (from the starting area on the Firelands front, avoiding the fire and running on the left edge.

If you have other questions, leave in the comments.

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