Macro for the trap launcher hunter ability in World of Warcraft

Macro for the trap launcher hunter ability in World of Warcraft

This macro can be used for PVP and PVE and is very useful, making your launched traps work very fast.

Scatter Shot + Trap Launcher Macro for PVP:

#showtooltip Scatter Shot
/cast Scatter Shot
/castsequence reset=3 Trap Launcher

Multi-shot + Trap Launcher Macro for PVE:

#showtooltip Multi-Shot
/cast Multi-Shot
/castsequence reset=3 Trap Launcher

How it works?

For scatter shot, when you cast the shot, it will auto trigger Trap Launcher and the next move is just to select your trap and throw it.
Without the macro, you need to use scatter shot, use trap launcher and then use the trap and aim with it.
So it is saving one button, making scatter shot – trap from two buttons.

The same goes for PVE with multi-shot when throwing explosive traps. The trap launcher can also be macroed with other abilities, chimera shot, almost anything.

The /stopcasting is to stop the casting of the steady shot or cobra shot. At least for PVP this is needed as scatter shot + trap can act like an interrupt.

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