The old secrets zones from World of Warcraft, updated in Cataclysm

The old secrets zones from World of Warcraft, updated in Cataclysm

Unknown zone
Since every zone is available now for players in world of warcraft it is time for those interested in eastereggs, secrets and spicy details to take a deeper look.
Actually there is one zone on the map that is still inaccessible, is located in Eastern Kingdoms, north of Stratholme. If you want to fly there and go forward the flying mount will act like he reached a limit and you won’t be able to advance.

The tauren camp from south of Silithus gone!

Moving south of Silithus, there was a secret tauren camp, was not an island, just near the “shores”.
This was a perfect place for rp-ers since you had to swim for 15 minutes to get here, hard job for rp haters who wanted to ruin other people’s fun. Was a perfect place for rp events where people didn’t wanted to be bothered.
The camp no longer exists in Cataclysm, however there is still something from the old wow, the cave. That still is empty, but for some unknown reason you will get in combat and you will get out after 10 seconds. Randomly.
Now the cave can be found south of Ahn’Quiraj: The Fallen Kingdom.

The zone West of Tirisfal Glades

This was an undeveloped zone as you can see in the picture, players could not reach it, except with engineering tools: nitro boots and parachute it was possible. Currently in Cataclysm, there is a blank zone, there are no npcs, mobs, just an empty Forrest, with some mushrooms made in a circle, a very good zone for RP.

The dancing trolls tribe
The dancing trolls tribe, located between Darkshore and Moonglade. They finally get some role in Cataclysm, the night elves are attacking them, but they still dance and fight at the same time, players can do some quests here.

Blizzard took care and tried to fix and develop every area in the game.
This post was meant to show you how some of the most important WoW before Cataclysm secrets have evolved now, then and now.

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