Yellow themed hunter transmog gear set in World of Warcraft

Yellow themed hunter transmog gear set in World of Warcraft

Here is my yellow hunter transmog gear sets that I’ve collected during WoW Cataclysm.

Helmet: Steelspine Faceguard or Rift Stalker Helm.

Shoulders: Giantstalker’s Epaulets or Towering Mantle of the Hunt.

Tabard: Arathor Battle Tabard (Alliance only).
This is a PVP item that can be obtained from doing Arathi Basin battlegrounds.

Hands: Giantstalker’s Gloves.

Belt: Vindicator’s Chain Girdle.

Pants: Sunhawk Leggings.

Boots: Giantstalker’s Boots or Trespasser’s Boots.
I didn’t had my Giantstalker’s Boots in the picture.
But you get the idea.

Bow, hunter weapon: Skyfire Hawk-Bow or Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix.

The set is a combination of old gear with a few pieces from the Burning Crusade.

It looks quite powerful, a great set for a PVP player.

If you know other yellow hunter transmog gear sets, please leave them in the comments area.

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